Shameless Self Promotion

Don't know what Dr. Nic looks like? You should.
Dr. Nic is host of our television show OperaTalk! with Nicolas Reveles. He's incredibly intelligent, charming and well spoken. He also has a face for television (which probably explains why I'm the one sitting here behind a computer writing this blog). Each of his OperaTalk! programs focus on one opera and covers the history, plot and music. They're short as well, coming in under half an hour. I watch them often and repeat the things I learn from the show. This is good because it makes me seem smarter than I really am.
If you haven't watched an episode of OperaTalk! there's really no excuse. We have pages of pages of these programs online at YouTube. I've also (hopefully) included an episode of OperaTalk! Madama Butterfly below because I'm learning to use the "embed video function" of this blog and thought I'd kill two birds, or butterflies, as the case may be, with one stone.
-- Edward