What Are You Listening To This Weekend?

Happy Friday! And the Friday before a long weekend at that!

What are you listening to this weekend?

The Aria Serious crew will listen to Dead Man Walking by Jake Heggie. Why? Well, we wanted to listen to an American opera this Independence Day. See, we've been listening to a lot of Moby-Dick (we have an archival DVD we've been studying) and it dawned on us we've never heard the complete opera of Dead Man Walking. And really, nothing says "American" like a story about the death penalty.

We might also tune into KPBS FM 89.5 or http://www.kpbs.org/ on Saturday July 2, at 8 PM to hear the rebroadcast of Der Rosenkavalier that cut off last month.

After that we might hit the record store so if there is anything you think we should listen to, let us know.

We'll also dig into the new book Weep, Shudder, Die: A Guide to Loving Opera that was sent to us by the publisher. We'll let you know what we think of it once we read it. But truth be told it faces some stiff competition - Netflix just added the complete Star Trek: TNG series to their instant cue.

Please, make it a good one. And set phasers to fun!


Smorg said…
Ha! Now that you mentioned the rebroadcast of Der Rosenkavalier I'll have to catch that. Thanks!!! :oD

In the meanwhile, though, I'm checking out the Claudio Abbado CD set of Le nozze di Figaro with Gallo, McNair, Studer, Bartoli and Skovhus. Playing it safe, so to speak. ;o)

Happy 4th of July weekend!

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