What Are You Listening to this Weekend?

Happy Friday. What are you listening to this weekend?

For some reason the cooler weather made us think of Lucia di Lammermoor, we've heard it a dozen times already though. So, we're going to go French this weekend and listen to Lucie de Lammermoor - we've never heard this version despite owning it for years.

Share your plans in the comment section and please, make it a good one.


Smorg said…
Cool! Is it the one with Ciofi and Tezier?

I'm indulging in the new Alcina DVD from Vienna with Harteros, Kasarova, Hammarstrom and Marc Minkowski. Am also making a CD of operatic prayers and well wishes for a pair of rather religious returning visitors. :o) Know any good one?
Anonymous said…
Saw Lucia at the Met last season, with Dessay. Wow!
And the sets were great too--very Edward Gorey.
Anonymous said…
Saw Lucia at the Met last season, with Dessay. Wow!
And the sets were great too--very Edward Gorey.

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