The Music from The Daughter of the Regiment

31 Days of Opera Awesomeness

The Daughter of the Regiment is a comic opera which is defined as a sung dramatic work of a light or comic nature that usually ends well. Composed by Donizetti in 1840 for the Paris Opera Comique, it tells the story of the young orphan Marie who has been adopted by a regiment and later is found to be the Marquise’s niece. The libretto by Jules-Henri Vernoy de Saint-Georges and Jean Francois Bayard gave Donizetti the chance to write military rhythms, pastoral chorals, majestic orchestra pieces, passionate arias and love duets. It is an opera that demands exceptional skills from the singers. The tenor aria "Ah me amis" for example requires the singer to sing nine high C's.

Listen to what Nicolas Reveles, our Geisel director of education, has to say about the orchestra, the duets and much more!

The orchestra in The Daughter of the Regiment
The choir in The Daughter of the Regiment

The soprano in The Daughter of the Regiment

The arias in The Daughter of the Regiment

The duets in The Daughter of the Regiment

And last but not least, here are our favorite arias from The Daughter of the Regiment:

Nathalie Dessay as Marie sings 'C'en est donc fait"

The great Pavarotti as Tonio singing "Ah me amis"


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