What Are You Listening To This Weekend?

Friday! The cherry on the sundae that is the work week and time to ask, what are you listening to this weekend?

We'll spend tonight at the La Jolla Athenaeum where our Princess of Pinkness, Zandra Rhodes, will be having a reception for her new show, "Verdi's Aida Through the Eyes of Zandra Rhodes." She'll be showing off sketches, costums and props from her production of Aida that was mounted by Houston Grand Opera and Covent Garden (and heading to San Francisco Opera soon). You can click here for information on the show.

We'll spend Saturday morning listening to "San Diego Opera Matters" on XLNC1 (104.9 FM) at 9 AM PST. On this show Nic will recover great recordings of La traviata which is perfect because that evening our La traviata moves to the stage for a piano tech rehearsal which I will attend.
Sunday we're not listening to anything opera related. We're going to do some heavy duty house work/construction so will be listening to Rock and/or Roll namely Band of Skulls which seems like perfect cabinet building music.

Share your listening plans below. And make it a good one!


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