Maestro Steuart Bedford

Some of you must surely remember our performances of Peter Grimes a few seasons back. Personally, for us, these performances were some of the greatest we've ever experienced in the opera house - not only do we love the opera, but our cast, our chorus, our staging really elevated the production to something incredibly magical.

And then there was the orchestra - led by Maestro Steuart Bedford - a Britten specialist who actually worked with the composer - the music went from pastoral seascapes to violent storms seamlessly. There are very few times we've heard the orchestra sound better. We don't think we've ever heard it with such force and power.

Maestro Steuart Bedford returns to conduct Salome next season. We're excited to hear this, he's never conducted this opera before but his deft work of Peter Grimes, especially the interludes between scenes, proved to us he's more than capable of conducting this piece.

In July's issue of Opera News magazine, writer John Allison caught up with the Maestro for a wonderful profile. You can read it here.


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