Stump An Opera Singer...

Last week, when sending out my "10 Questions With..." interviews to our 2010 singers I noticed a glaring omission; I didn't send one to Sylvie Valayre, our Abigaille in Nabucco.

You see, Sylvie was our first "10 Questions With..." interview that we posted on the very first post on this blog.

Not wanting to bore her with similar questions, and so completely unoriginal that I couldn't come up with 10 new questions myself, I got to thinking; what if we had you, our dear readers, ask your own question to Sylvie.

Sylvie being the great person she is, thought it would be neat.

So, here's how "Stump An Opera Singer" works:

- Send a question to Sylvie Valayre at

- Put "Stump An Opera Singer" in the subject line.

- We'll accept questions until July 1, 2009.

- After July 1 we will choose, at random, 10 or so questions to have Sylvie answer.

- Yes, you can send in more than one question.

Based on how successful this is, we'll find another hapless, um, willing singer for the next round of "Stump An Opera Singer." Maybe we'll even let you decide who that singer should be.

Have fun!

- Edward


Opera Colorado said…
Do you want questions like "If you were to run away and join the circus, what role would you fill?" or "The libretto of Haydn's 1777 opera "Il Mondo della Luna" is based on a comedy by what Italian author?"
San Diego Opera said…

While we like both of these questions, Google and such can answer trivia questions such as Carlo Goldoni was the the author who wrote the libretto based on his own story.

Only Sylvie can answer the circus question which I'm sure she will answer with delight.

Can you send it over to me at

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