What Are You Listening To This Weekend?

So, what are you listening to this weekend?

Over here at the Aria Serious tower we're going to spend some time with Dvorak's Rusalka. We last heard this opera in 1996 when we saw a performance at the National Theatre in Prague. Truth be told we were more smitten by actually seeing a Czech opera in Prague, at the actual theatre it premiered in, and didn't pay much attention to the production itself. So this weekend we'll listen, with libretto in hand, to see what we missed oh-so-long ago.

If time permits we might we'll give the new Grizzly Bear album, Veckatimest, a listen as we've been hearing good things about it lately.

Share your listening plans in the comment section below.

And whatever you do, make it a good one (oh yeah, and call your dad as well).

- Edward


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