What Are You Listening To This Weekend?

Friday is upon us, so it is time to ask what we always ask; what are you listening to this weekend?

Here at the Aria Serious tower we're going to spend some time with Korngold's Die Tote Stadt, another notch on the list of operas I should know but have never actually gotten around to listening to.

We'll also finish up reading the steampunky The Glass Books of the Dream Eaters (not sure what we think about this one yet, but it is seductive enough to keep us turning the pages for now) and perhaps some time with The Magnetic Fields/Stephen Merritt's 69 Love Songs. Sublime!

Share your weekend plans in the comment section and whatever you do, make this weekend a great one!

- Edward


Smorg said…
Hope you're enjoying Die tote Stadt! Is there a verdict on whether Paul actually walks away at the end or if he goes the way of the Goetz Friedrich staging? :o)

Anyhow, I'm in a Wagnerian mood and spending the weekend listening to Goetterdaemmerung from Bayreuth 1954 (Keilberth). Absolutely stupendous.

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