What Are You Listening To This Weekend?

Friday, the best day of the work week, and time to ask: what are you listening to this weekend?

There's a lot going on in town this weekend so we're afraid we won't get much listening in which is why we'll listen to Berstein's Candide and go opera-lite with this operetta.

Then we'll cheer friends, family and coworkers on in the Gay Pride parade this weekend.

After that we're going to head down to the Museum of Contemporary Art for opening night of Viva la Revolucion - been seeing a lot of street art around town? This is why. It should be great. And even better is the view from my office which has views of work by Invader, Twist and what looks like a JR as I type this (it's still being worked on).

Sunday we'll do yard work and dig into the Brazilian rock and roll with Novos Baianos that I finally found misfiled in the record collection after all these years.

Share your plans in the comments and make it a good one.


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