About That Diet...

Man, those opera carrots and celery sticks are starting taking their toll. First beer and opera, followed by cupcake and opera. Now this!

I don't ever recall seeing this ad, but worth a look in our random series of opera selling things that isn't opera.

OK, I'm going to go stare at my reflection in the vending machine plastic window since it is convex and makes me look thinner, which, come to think of it, is an excellent marketing ploy.


- Edward


Anonymous said…
Heh! I wonder if there aren't a few in the audience that don't understand the language of the opera and end up making up their own libretto in their head as they watch ('cause perhaps they don't feel like dividing their attention between the surtitle and the singers?)... I can just imagine how that inner dialog would go if instead of a hungry audience, you have someone who's realizing in no uncertain manner that he shoulda gone to the restroom during the last intermission! ;o)
Anonymous said…
A stage manager friend told me that at her company, the stagehands thought the rousing chorus of warrior gypsies at the end of "Di quella pira" was really "Salami" and not "All'armi."

As for me, I always get hungry during Hansel and Gretel and Don Giovanni.
Anonymous said…
...Make food, not war, ay? ;o)
Somehow that reminds me of language confusion episodes I read about in various opera memoirs by artists from the earlier part of the 20th Century. Now that operas are usually given in their original language no matter where you are, I guess we won't hear much about performances where the tenor sings in German and the soprano in Italian (or how Flagstad started a performance of Isoldes Liebestod in German but ended it in Swedish), ay?

I wonder what it was like for the audience... ;o)

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