Stuffing the Ballot Box.

We here at Aria Serious have never asked you for anything before and yet we give you so much -- funny videos, breaking accurate (and inaccurate) opera related news, behind-the-scenes looks at various opera productions, interviews with artists, pictures of cats and dogs wearing headphones -- really, what more can you ask for from a blog?

But now we need your help.

San Diego Opera has been nominated in numerous categories for the "Best Of"Awards that are conducted by our local paper's online presence, Sign On San Diego.

San Diego Opera has been nominated for Best Live Theatre Company, Best Classical Music Group, Best Hotspot and numerous of other categories that we don't really belong in that I may or may not of nominated us for during a late night bender. But those three up above, that are underlined and bolded (so all you need to do is click and vote), are the three that mean the most to us.

Please ensure I still have a job here by voting. You can vote once every 24 hours and we encourage you to do so -- just like in a regular election.

Thank you for your support!

- Edward


Anonymous said…
So funny, you have my vote. Thanks for bringing some humor to the wonderful world of opera.
Anonymous said…
Holy cow... SDO sure does show up on some weird categories aside from the dead-on ones indeed! ;o) I was tempted to also vote for you guys in the museum category... but thought better of it. ;o)
Shtinkykat said…
Too bad there's no opportunity for write-in ballots. Since you gave me permission to sneak in beer (not really), I wanted to vote SDO as "Best Tavern". Anyhow, I am not opposed to stuffing the ballot box so long as the candidate is fully qualified, which SDO clearly is. You got my vote!
San Diego Opera said…

I'd pick "Hamilton's Tavern" as best tavern - just don't vote for it. Crowded enough as is. "Downtown Johnny Browns", next to our theatre, has one of the best beer selections in town. It always makes sense to grab a few pints before curtain in case you don't feel like being sneaky.

Thanks to all of you for voting!

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