I'd Like To Exchange This Egg

Have you ever wanted to be in an opera? Like being on stage? Are you like me and lack any artistic talent whatsoever? We here at Aria Serious understand this predicament all too well, and we think we can help.

San Diego Opera is seeking supernumeraries to appear in our 2009 operas and would like to invite you to attend our Super Open House next month on Thursday, December 18.

What's a super? They're the people that inhabit the scenes -- waiters, guards, townfolk, etc... And oh, they have no singing or speaking parts, so don't even try.

Sound fun?

Here's how you can become one:

Contact San Diego Opera Super Captain (and all around super-duper guy) Bob Borntrager. You can reach Bob by email at bob.borntrager@sdopera.com or by phone at (619) 533-7073.

However you decide to reach him be sure to leave your: name, address, email address, phone number and age (if under 18) so he can send you a super info packet. Bob will also tell you the time and location of this super-secret super meeting on December 18.

And why am I now suddenly reminded of that old Beverly Hills 90210 episode where the gang gets entrance to a super-secret club by exchanging an egg at a liquor store?

Ah, relive the clip, the misguided fashion sense, the bad hair, and general awkwardness of the 80's with said clip below.

Then go call Bob.

-- Edward


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