Opera Pacific Closes Doors

News came out yesterday that Opera Pacific, our fine neighbors to the north, has closed its doors for the remainder of the season, and has no plans for future seasons in the works. Additionally, all but a skeletal staff remains and President and CEO Robert C. Jones as well as Artistic Director and Conductor John DeMain have been laid off. Opera Pacific's Santa Ana headquarters is also up for sale so it seems this closure is for good and all of Southern California that much poorer with the loss of this great company.
We here at Aria Serious are crushed by this news wish our colleagues and friends the very best. We also know this is just the beginning of what will be a very difficult period for performing arts in general.
If anyone from Opera Pacific would like to share with us their story, please feel free to contact us.
-- Edward
Orange Crush graphic by Darren Beckett of Threemagination, Inc.