The State Of Opera... pretty dismal right now, so says The Washington Times this morning.

Don't believe it? Reuters ran something similar as well.

I'm really tired of writing these types of posts but it is important to share this information with you because it is something we are all facing -- and not just opera companies -- symphonies, theatres, art galleries are all facing the same grim future.

Why then does it seem so focused on opera? It is expensive to produce. And nearly impossible to make cuts on the production end. You can't just have half an orchestra, half a chorus, half a set when producing grand opera. The singers are specialized. And everyone needs to get paid.

If we are to believe the articles up above there is still more bad news to come.

Happy Friday dear readers.

Here's a fresh box of puppies to take a bit of the edge off.

-- Edward


Opera Colorado said…
On the one hand, opera has survived for 500 years. On the other hand, opera didn't have "Guitar Hero" to contend with. It's important - now more than ever - to continue bringing opera to audiences of all ages. Patrons, please bring your children and your grandchildren. Talk to them about opera and why you love it so much. Maybe by sharing your passion, it can keep the art form alive.
Anonymous said…
Is AriaGirl proposing "Aria Hero" the video game? Because if so, I'm sold.

To play devil's advocate here:

I'm not sure if bringing your child or grandchild to the theatre is such a good thing. Depends on the age and the child.

I think introducing them to the music is the best method at this point. I play opera for my daughter and she enjoys it but I know she is not ready to watch an opera. Opera is about big emotions -- emotions that come with life experiences; experiences to things she has not lived yet. The connection would be lost to her, the meaning of these emotions are not yet in her psyche. So for now we listen to recordings at home. I read to her the synopsis, she asks "why?" But she appreciates the music, and has favorites, even though she has no idea what it is they are saying.

Later, hopefully soon but not too soon, she will begin to experience the things opera touches on (love, loss, death, etc...) and then we can start seeeing opera as a family. But for now I think she would find the experience boring and that would be the worst thing I could do; introduce her to an artform she is not yet ready for and perhaps turning her off of it for life.

Sorry I haven't been posting often AriaSerious crew. Still love the blog and visit almost every day when I can. Drink a cold one for me, you've earned it.

You beer loving opera fiend,


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