
After moping about the lack of fudge and gelato here at the Aria Serious compound, I was delighted to find in my in-box Rachel's recipe for homemade fudge that Sam has been taunting me with.

This is actually better than receiving real fudge because 1.) it shows someone loves me without the actual calories and 2.) it is easier to share a recipe with you, dear readers, than an actual brick of fudge which I wouldn't have shared anyway since I would have eaten it all by myself (sorry).

So in time for the holidays and Blogger Appreciation Day (ahem) is Rachel's and Lucia's (that's her mom, the real mastermind of this whole fudge operation I've been told) Real Opera Singer Fudge Recipe:

3/4 cup butter
3 cups sugar
1 can (5 1/3 oz) of evaporated milk
12 1 oz squares of semi sweet chocolate (Bakers)
1 tsp. vanilla
1 jar (7 oz) of marshmallow cream/fluff

Mix sugar, butter, and milk and bring to a rolling boil. Boil for 5 minutes, stirring constantly. Remove from heat; stir in chocolate until it melts; add other ingredients. Stir until mixed and put in 9 x 13 inch greased pan.

If you want, you can also add 1 cup of chopped nuts (walnuts are the best).

Also, I prefer the fudge to have a granulated sugar taste - to achieve this, just don't boil as long (maybe only 3 minutes) so the sugar doesn't dissolve as much.

Also, when I send you the peanut butter one, it's fantastic to swirl them in the greased pan... tell everyone to 'stay tuned' for that recipe.

Enjoy!!! It's pretty darn good!

Pretty darned good indeed.

And yes, she did just tell us to stay tuned for a "peanut butter fudge" recipe. What a tease.

-- Edward


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