What Are You Listening To This Weekend

This week we throw caution to the wind and break with tradition mostly because my wife is out of town therefore allowing me to watch an opera on DVD in glorious surround sound as opposed to merely listening to it with headphones. I know, I know I simply cannot stand watching opera on TV, but this is a rare occasion because this opera does not exist on record or cd, merely DVD.
Tomorrow morning I'll be watching Pizzetti's Assassino Nella Cattedrale (Murder in the Cathedral), which is based on the TS Eliot's play of the same name about Thomas Becket's murder by the knights of Henry II.
Why? I felt like I wanted something different. Heck, I might even have dessert for breakfast and breakfast for dinner, that's how loose I'm playing it this weekend.
Have a great one, and share your listening (or viewing) plans in the comment section below.
-- Edward
I'm smorging on the 1954 CD of Cavalleria Rusticana from Munich (Sawallisch/ Varnay, Hopf, Pease, Scholl), and a DVD of Die Soldaten (just because my dad wants me to... I really don't like 12 tone music!!). :o)