CARMEN by Eric Shanower

For 5 months a year we eat, breathe and sleep opera. We become so deeply involved in the process of making opera we have a hard time looking at our operas on the stage as anything other than work and a matter of professional pride. Privy to every detail behind the scenes, it is hard to take what we see on our stage for what it truly is; which is why it is incredibly refreshing to invite the talented Eric Shanower into our theatre.

Below you will find sketches Eric took last night at the final Carmen rehearsal.

It is always wonderful when these sketches arrive. The staff gathers in the Aria Serious tower to look at each image. These drawings give us a new perspective and it allows us to see our operas with new eyes..We need this from time to time as it is important to watch opera as opera, and not just work.

So it's with great pleasure to present Carmen by Eric Shanower and to say thank you for these incredible glimpses into our world that we managed to miss in all the hustle and bustle.

Artwork © copyright 2011 by Eric Shanower. All rights reserved.


Harper :) said…
nice! I was sitting in front of this artist! Amazing! I now follow this blog! I love it!

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