What Are You Listening to this Weekend?

Friday - the end of the work week and time to ask as we always ask, what are you listening to this weekend?

The Aria Serious has a lot going on this weekend so we'll be forced to squeeze in a short one, so we'll go with Salome. It's coming up in our season, it's only about 90-minutes long and it doesn't hurt to listen to it again before the cast starts arriving.

Share your plans below and please stay dry - it is forecast to be a wet one. Well, wet by San Diego standards at least.


Smorg said…
A very kind pal sent over a DVD of Francesca da Rimini from Paris Opera earlier in the year, so I'm feasting on that and a replay of the Salzburg 2003 La clemenza di Tito. :D

Have fun with Salome!

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