DON GIOVANNI by Batton Lash

The irrepressible artist Batton Lash visited Don Giovanni rehearsals last week and shared with us his take on the opera which you can find below.

In case you've forgotten, Batton Lash is the creator of the humor/horror series Supernatural Law (aka Wolff & Byrd, Counselors of the Macabre). Lash has also written for Archie Comics and Bongo Comics. His latest project is The First Gentleman of the Apocalypse, a brand-new series Lash created for David (V for Vendetta) Lloyd’s online comics anthology Aces Weekly.  Lash also paints monsters in his spare time. His Bride of Frankenstein paintings will be on display at the Digital Gym beginning February 22. More on Batton Lash can be found at
Artwork © copyright 2015 by Batton Lash. All rights reserved.  


Davis Chino said…
"...The irrepressible Batton Lash...." Love it!

Wonderful stuff. Dang sorry I was out of town and missed this production--it looked incredible!

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