National Opera Week and the Twitter Contest Details

National Opera Week is here!

Here at the Aria Serious Tower, with nothing on the San Diego Opera stage until late January, we thought long and hard about what we could do to celebrate this momentous event.

See, our very dear friend Lotfi Mansouri is receiving an honor this week and we wanted to do something special for him. But being out of season, we're kind of limited in what we have to offer.

First, we tried moving National Opera week to February because that's when Lotfi is in town next to direct Nabucco, but our friends at Opera America said "no way."

But then it dawned on us, we could use Twitter to hold a synopsis contest about Nabucco and have Lotfi be the judge. We were very proud of ourselves for coming up with this idea until we learned someone else had already done an opera synopsis contest on Twitter. Sheesh.

Still, it's National Opera Week and it's about Lotfi so we still think it's a good idea regardless.

We hope you do to. Here are the details:

- Submit your best synopsis about Verdi's opera Nabucco via Twitter to us @_SanDiegoOpera (please note the underscore before our name).

- You can submit as many entries you like between now and November 22, 2009.

- Winners will be chosen by the artistic team of San Diego Opera's Nabucco including Lotfi Mansouri.

- The winner will receive an invitation to attend a special working rehearsal of Nabucco as well as tickets to opening night. Heck, we'll probably throw lunch or dinner into the mix for you and Lotfi as well. For those of you who don't live in San Diego, remember: it'll be in February. San Diego is where you'll want to be. Trust us on this one. Still, if you can't make it we'll come up with something else for you that'll be nice and autographed.

- San Diego Opera reserves the right to retweet your submissions and include them in future communications with our patrons.

For those of you unfamiliar with the Nabucco story, visit here.

For those of you looking to celebrate National Opera Week with something in your community click here for a listing of events nationwide.

And be sure to share National Opera Week with someone new. They'll thank you for introducing them to opera, and besides, the best things in life are shared with others. Except maybe cupcakes.


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