10 Questions with Caitlin Lynch

It's hard to argue a better fit for the role of The Countess than American soprano, Caitlin Lynch. Caitlin is making her SDO debut next month after performing the role with the Metropolitan Opera, Palm Beach Opera, Seattle Opera, Glimmerglass Opera, Lyric Opera Baltimore, Michigan Opera, and Opera Lyra Ottawa. We asked her ten (11) questions to get to know her better before she arrives in San Diego.

1. What was your last gig before coming to San Diego?
Mostly Modern Festival in Saratoga Springs singing the soprano solo in Robert Paterson's piece "Walt's America".

2. How do you relate to/feel about your character (The Countess) in The Marriage of Figaro?
I love her. The Countess is the role I have sung the most in my career. My professional debut was singing the Countess with Michigan Opera Theater, in Detroit, my hometown! I have so many wonderful memories singing this role. And I learn more about her (and myself) every new chance I get to dive into this incredible masterpiece. Every director brings new perspective and new ideas. Some feel more natural than others, but I really enjoy being stretched and pushed in my interpretations, especially with a role I have performed this much. The Countess is a woman trying to make sense of her life. I relate to that! She protects herself and wears her emotions close to her chest; she is careful with what she shows the world and what she keeps to herself - I relate to that too! I respect and admire her ability to forgive. (But we know she won't forget!)

3. Are there any dream roles that you would love to sing and why? And since we're dreaming it doesn't even need to be in your fach.
Yes! I have two dream roles at the moment: Susannah in Floyd's Susannah and Suor Angelica. My heart responds to these operas in a major way and I feel like I'm at a point in my life and career where I could do them justice with the right team around me! There are too many other soprano roles to dream about, I don't have time to dream about other fachs!

4. What was your introduction to opera and how did you decide this was the path you wanted to pursue.
My mother is an opera singer and she sang the role of Gretel in Hansel and Gretel when she was 6 months pregnant with me. So I was exposed in utero! She taught voice lessons in the living room when I was a child, and I would quietly sit on the staircase where she and her student couldn't see me, and take it all in. I got into choirs as a child and into high school and music was always my happy place. I didn't decide this was the path I wanted to take until I walked away from singing after undergrad. After 6 months without singing, I was a very unhappy version of myself. So I knew I needed to get back to it - and went to CCM for my Masters.

5. Name a singer you loved working with in the last year.
I can't pick just one: John Moore, Ed Parks, and Nadine Sierra.

6. What are your hobbies that keep you busy outside of music?
Don't have time for many hobbies since I have kids keeping me busy! But I do love to read and I love being in nature. Mostly, I enjoy time with my husband and our children.

7. Fill in the blank: "If I was not an opera singer, I would be ____.”  
a funeral director

8. If you could trade lives with one person for an entire day who would it be and why? 
Hmmm. I don't have an obvious answer to this question. Can we go back in time? I'd love to be Mary Magdalene and see what she was all about in real time. Or maybe today, someone who has lots of free time and excess funds. Just for a worry free day of spa treatments or something.

9. Name three artists, bands, or composers on a current playlist that aren't opera related. 
 The BeatlesMissy ElliotJoni Mitchell

10. What are you most looking forward to doing in San Diego while you’re in town?
Making music and art with my colleagues.

(Bonus) 11.What’s next for you after your gig in San Diego?
Trick or treating on Halloween with my cuties!


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