While You Were Out

Over the weekend:

More reviews of San Francisco's The Bonesetters Daughter appeared, and all indications are that it is a wonderful addition to operatic repetoire.

A unknown score by Mozart was discovered in a municipal library in France which gives me motivation to finally clean out my garage with the hopes of finding something valuable, or at least usable.

A critic for the Cleveland Plain Dealer was reassigned after offering criticism to the Cleveland Orchestra in a review which answers last week's question"Are Critics Necessary?", at least for those in Cleveland.

Utah Symphony and Opera looks to reinvent themselves with the search for a new music director while English National Opera's music director tries to keep it real.

Verona Opera joins the growing list of bankrupt opera companies in Italy.

Scottish Opera continues to commission 15-minute operas as part of the highly popular "Five: 15" series, which are clearly meant for those with ADD and... oh... look... something shiny...

Baritone Peter Glossop passed away. Peter sang the title role of Rigoletto with us in 1968 and returned in 1984 to sing Balstrode in Peter Grimes. Known as the "working man baritone" he was prasied for his Italian sound and at one point was the most popular Briton in Italy after only James Bond.

- Edward


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