Ensemble Alum Update - Elyse Nakajima

When we last touched base with her, coloratura soprano Elyse Nakajima said goodbye at the end of the 2009 Ensemble tour. But luckily in the world of opera, goodbyes are usually never forever (remember, our Nabucco, Richard Paul Fink, came back after 20 some years, having been an early member of our Ensemble).

Elyse dropped us a line to let us know she's singing up in Berkeley Opera's production of Don Giovanni as Zerlina, which she first performed three years ago. This was a sudden engagement, with the original singer stepping out (seems to be a trend this year), Elyse had just 13 days notice to get ready for the role. That's pretty impressive. It takes me 13 days or more just to convince myself I need to go jog a few miles. The reviews have been quite good as well.

Elyse also sent us this fun take on Leporello's "Madamina, il catalogo è questo" or Catalogue Aria, which you can watch below.

Any other former Ensemble Members out there? Drop us a line to let us know what you're up to.


Unknown said…
Love the Catalog Aria! Don Giovanni was one of my earliest operas and remains one of my best loved. I can listen to it over and over and get something new out of it each time. Hope we get it in San Diego soon.

William Smith

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