What Are You Listening To This Weekend?

We'll begin our weekend with the Friday performance of LA BOHEME. There are still a few tickets left, and it really is that good, so if you want to see it you can click here to purchase tickets.
We're sleeping in (slightly) on Saturday and listening to Nic's "San Diego Opera Matters" program at 9 AM on XLNC1 on 104.9 FM or online here. This week's topic, in anticipation for NABUCCO - early Verdi. Then, depending on the rain, we might make our way up to La Jolla Playhouse for "Aurelia's Oratorio" since it sounds like our cup of tea.
Speaking of tea, we'll spend Sunday sipping it and catching up on all the other music out there that is not opera, despite having our last performance of BOHEME on at 2 PM. We have the new albums by Four Tet , Charlotte Gainsbourg and Spoon all sitting next to my stereo waiting for a listen. Then we're going to take a hike through Morley Field, we figured everyone else will be watching the big game so it'll be nice and quiet.
Share your listening plans down below and make it a good one!