What Are You Listening To This Weekend?

We here at Aria Serious are going to listen to the Friday night performance of Nabucco. Then on Saturday we might listen to Dr. Nic talk about "Bass Pleasure" with a focus on Nabucco's Zaccaria at 9 AM on XLNC1, 104.9 FM. Although we might try to go for a bike ride before the rain comes.
Then after that, we really don't have anything planned other than the new Shout Out Louds album. We're reluctant to admit it but we're feeling all opera'd out. We might even pass on Nabucco on Sunday. Is there something we should listen to? We do have Nixon in China on deck - we actually saw this one live when it was recorded at Opera Colorado - but we might just wait a week and catch up on some movies we wanted to see but never got around to actually seeing: District 9, Zombieland plus we have a bunch of episodes of Caprica on the DVR just begging to be watched.
Share your listening plans (and recommendations) in the comment section below.
And make it a good one.