Radio Waves

EDITED: Seems the links have changed for the KUSC podcasts - since these addresses seem to by dynamic and therefore always changing, your best bet will be to visit here. This is the main KUSC Podcast page. You can scroll down to click the podcasts you want. Sorry about that.

A few LA BOHEME tidbits on the radio for you to listen to:

First, last week's spot as guests on KPBS Radio can be heard here. Dr. Nic, Priti Gandhi (Musetta) and Jeff Mattsey (Marcello) all appear on this show.

Second, is a series of short interviews on KUSC Radio in Los Angeles with Piotr Beczala.

Here's Piotr on LA BOHEME

Here's Piotr on singing Rodolfo in the original key

Here's Piotr on playing golf.

And yes, for those that want to hear LA BOHEME, we'll be airing this opera on Sunday, February 14 at 7 PM, PST on XLNC1 104.9 FM or online here.


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