What Are You Listening To This Weekend?

We'll be listening to Nabucco Saturday night and we're excited about that! We've heard it three times and seen it twice already this week so it's always a good sign when we're looking forward to Saturday night instead of y'know, checking the tap list at Downtown Johnny Browns for that first act beer or something.
We'll probably pass on "San Diego Opera Matters" at 9 AM on Saturday on 104.9 XLNC1 or online. Not because this week's topic "Abigaille and her friends" doesn't interest us but because we've been in the theatre so much this week that we need to get out and go running with the dogs. Besides, we probably won't make it up before 9 anyway.
Sunday is a quiet day. Although we'll give the The Xx album a good listen because we too grew up listening to early Cure and New Order records.
Share your listening plans down below and if you see Nabucco tells us what you think.
And make it a good one!