While You Were Out

Over the weekend some great San Diego Opera stories ran, but first the one that everyone is talking about...

- The Philadelphia Orchestra has filed for Bankruptcy.

Closer to home...

- Our tenor, Stephen Costello, continues exploring the rehearsals process of Faust in his ongoing opera diary series.

- Have you seen Robert Wilson's installation at the Timken museum yet? Ian Campbell went and San Diego City Beat was there to get his reaction.

- Life is not the pits when you're making beautiful music. A look at the role the orchestra plays in our production of Faust (and opera in general).

- Do you read the Voice of San Diego's Behind-the-Scene Arts Blog? You should. Not only is it a great read, but this week they're running a series of articles on what it takes to present grand opera - namely, our Faust.

The first installment "Opera as Turducken" explores all the forces at work in opera.

The second, "What Went Before" shows the scope of planning it takes to create opera.

The third, "Maestro of Construction" details how quickly our crew can break down one set and build another in a grueling rehearsal week.

We'll have more as they appear!


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