While You Were Out

Over the weekend:

Seems all eyes are on the economy and the coming election as it was a slow news week in the land of opera.

Anthony Tomassini of the New York Times talks about why so many new operas fail. A very interesting article, much of which I agree with.

Our dear friend Barbara Divis is getting some blog love over on Operaville. Barbara last joined us as Micaela in Carmen back in 2006.

British Stage Director John Copley celebrated 60 years in the business over the weekend. John opens Idomeneo in San Francisco later this week (he directed it for us in 2001) and comes to us in April to direct Peter Grimes. Stay tuned for an interview with John that the wonderful Opera Tattler conducted on Friday which should be up in the next few days.

And that's all she wrote...

- Edward


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