While You Were Out

Over the weekend:

Italian tenor Gianni Raimondi has died at the age of 85.

Mark Swed of the Los Angeles Times thinks big art dreams are worth the cost and he is absolutely right.

Madrid's Teatro Real is looking for a new conductor.

Santa Fe Opera has settled a lawsuit from 2006 involving an employee involved in a car accident.

Katharina Wagner's direction of Rienze proves to be too clever for her own good.

The Los Angeles Times looked at which presidential candidates supports the arts, and goes much deeper than we went last week here at Aria Serious.

Patricia Racette opened her Cio-Cio-San at the Met over the weekend. Reports state her "effort was exceptional; hers is a performance not to be missed." And you shouldn't. Racette brings her Butterfly to San Diego in May.

-- Edward


Anonymous said…
I've seen Pat Racette as Butterfly and she was wonderful. She even made the Robert Wilson production look good.

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