John Copley Tattles

As promised, the wonderful Opera Tattler has published her interview with British stage director John Copley this morning and it is worth a read. John reveals he'll continue to direct after our production of Peter Grimes in April. He had originally hinted this would be his final production, but those of us who know John, knows he'll never stop. Those of you in the Bay Area can see John's staging of Idomeneo which opens tomorrow evening. Peter Grimes will open April 18, 2009 on our stage here in San Diego.

- Edward


Anonymous said…
Idomeneo is not my favorite Mozart opera (I'd much rather see Clemenza di Tito), but I'll be up in SF to see their revival -- admittedly, not for Copley's direction, but rather for Coote's Idamante. Those who saw her up there as Ruggero in Alcina in 2002 know.

Last time I saw Idomeneo was in 1999 with, are you ready Smorg?, Kasarova as Idamante and Netrebko as Ilia. Vaness was Elettra, but it was a little past her Mozartean prime, but, oh ,what a fantastic Donna Anna she used to be.

All that said, I am SUPER excited to see SDO put on Peter Grimes. Copley should bring special insight to the production thanks to his history with the piece.
Anonymous said…
Arrrrgggghhhhh! I'm so green with envy my Kermit the Frog beanie baby is looking yellow right next to me! And it doesn't look like Kasarova will touch Idamante again either. :o( You lucky Miss Z! :o)

I do have the air-check of Idomeneo from, I think the same year, the LOC with Kasarova and Vaness. She was a heck of an Elettra indeed. :o)

And kudos to Mr Campbell for getting Peter Grimes on the schedule, too. What good timing with all the rave reviews from its last run in New York! :o)

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